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Prophecy and Future Potentials

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

I’m not a fortune teller, therefore, I will not predict your future. Even using the words psychic/medium has at times felt like a challenge for me out of the fear of people thinking I will be Madame Cleo-esque. My suspicions are that most people understand that modern psychics aren't using crystal balls and waving their long nails to make prediction after prediction about your future.

For me, it's important that my readings don't include a bunch of statements you have no idea what to do with. I make the intention to support my clients with guidance and ways to get to where they'd like in their lives. If things feel tough in your life, I want you to feel like you have tools to walk away with that will support you.

So let's talk about predictions in a reading..

Whether it's a potential future relationship, new career opportunity or maybe even a potential move, I may at times have a vision of something that might occur in your future that I will share with you in your reading.

There are always potentials that may manifest in your life. At the end of the day you make all of your own decisions and have free will. 

What I do not agree with is giving people fearful predictions. It doesn't mean you have to sugar coat or avoid the shadow side of things but there is always a way to empower your clients.

I have received many readings in my life and have been told things that would happen in my future. Some things did come true and others things never happened. I no longer see the psychic as "wrong" I instead can see how those predictions could've been true for me but I chose not to take that path and followed a different direction. I have also been told things that took many years to come true. You may think a psychic sounds out of tune, but sure enough, many years later what they predicted does come true. You'll have those light bulb moments of "oh! she was right!".

In my opinion, it is always important to take predictions with a grain of salt. You never want to rearrange your life around someones prediction. Always follow your heart and decide for yourself what resonates and discard the rest. Remember, you are always in control. You have the power, no one else has that power over you.

“You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.”

The Wizard of Oz

Prophecy was one of the first things that started to occur when I was a little girl beyond seeing spirit around me. I used to have premonition dreams. I once saw my best friends elementary school boyfriend break up with her in my dream. The next day in the exact spot it took place in my dream it happened. I also had a dream that my mom's estranged dad would call her out of the blue (like 20-30 years out of the blue) and ask to reconcile. I let my mom know that she would be receiving a call, and sure enough she did. I would sometimes have dreams about events that would happen in the collective. Moving into my teen years the dreams stopped. I think there was a lot that I shoved down and put aside. I wasn't taught to hone those gifts so they got put on the back burner.

When you're ready to come back to your gift of intuition, it's a remembering. I find the more you follow your curiosity and make the conscious choice to tune in, the more that will be revealed to you.

To book a reading with Jenny please see info here

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