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Intuition vs Fear

Updated: Aug 19

How to discern between the two..

What is Intuition?

  • Quick and ready insight.

  • A soft, gentle voice.

  • Delivers its message and then disappears.

  • It's the power of attaining direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and interference.

  • Your internal compass. 

  • Has no “need” to attach to  an outcome.

  • Timing on the message is flexible or isn't a factor.

What is Fear?

  • The ego’s role is to protect us from any harm, real or imagined therefore the ego produces fear.

  • Usually a loud voice that is followed by feelings of being scared or anxious. 

  • Fear occurs due to old stories and beliefs.

  • The ego mind uses fear to give us the illusion of control and safety.

"Following your intuition takes trust, faith, and an openness and a willingness to be surprised." - Rebecca Campbell

How to discern your truth in a world of information overload:

  • What was your initial reaction to the information you were given? before everyone else's thoughts and feelings came into the picture.. this will help you discern your truth.

  • How does it feel in your body? Come into your heart and check in with yourself.

  • Is your reaction to this information due to fear or is it intuition?

  • Try to stabilize your nervous system before looking at information. For example, do not look at social media or the news in a state of stress. Mute accounts on social media that get you a sense of anxiety from.

Questions to Ask: 

  • Is this my belief or is it someone else's? 

  • Are these my feelings or someone else's? If they're not yours, send them back. 

"Gut feelings are guardian angels"

To book a reading with Jenny please see info here


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