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personal VALUES


creativity: placing importance on imagination, inspiration and inventiveness.


integrity: firm adherence to a moral code and/or set of values, walking the talk. 


spirituality: appreciating the need to understand one's inner self and its relationship with the world.


freedom: without obligation.


happiness: feelings of contentment, satisfaction and/or fulfillment.


meaningful work: doing and providing work that has a purpose and or/significance.

business VALUES


honesty: telling the truth, does not engage in deception, is forthright and candid. 


spirituality: appreciating the need to understand one's inner self and its relationship with the world.


service: placing importance on serving others with quality and value. 


connection: the sense of closeness and belongingness a person can experience when having supportive relationships with those around them.


meaningful work: doing and providing work that has a purpose and or/significance.

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